Smoking damages men’s sperm and also the numbers of germ and somatic cells in developing embryos

Two new studies have shed more light on how smoking may damage fertility, and give further weight to advice that mothers and fathers-to-be should stop smoking before attempting to conceive. The research is published online in Europe’s leading reproductive medicine journal Human Reproduction today (Wednesday 8 September). In the first study [1], researchers found that […]

Study shows that widespread parental misuse of medicines puts children at risk

Lisbon, Portugal: Many children are being put at risk by parents over-use of widely-available over the counter (OTC) medicines for fever, coughs and colds, says a study from Australia to be presented to the annual conference of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) today (Monday 30 August). The researchers, led by Dr. Rebekah Moles from the […]

Scientists develop the first model for investigating the origins of testicular cancer in humans

Scientists have developed a model that will enable them to investigate, for the first time, how human testes develop in baby boys while they are in the womb. Until now it has been impossible to study testicular development during pregnancy in humans and this discovery will enable researchers to understand the processes that can lead […]

Alcohol reduces the severity of rheumatoid arthritis

Drinking alcohol may reduce the severity of rheumatoid arthritis according to new research published today. It is the first time that this effect has been shown in humans. The study also finds that alcohol consumption reduces the risk of developing the disease, confirming the results of previous studies. The study which is published online today […]

Revealed: the reasons why the MRC did not fund research that led to the birth of the world’s first test tube baby

Thirty-two years ago today, the world’s first baby was born after in vitro fertilisation. However, the work that led to the birth of Louise Brown on 25 July 1978 had to be privately funded after the UK’s Medical Research Council decided in 1971 against providing the Cambridge physiologist Robert Edwards and the Oldham gynaecologist Patrick […]

In vitro maturation: do eggs matured in the laboratory result in babies with Large Offspring Syndrome?

Rome, Italy: A review of studies of babies born after in vitro maturation (IVM) fertility treatment has suggested that they are more likely to be born larger than normal and to have more difficult births requiring more obstetric interventions such as caesareans. Authors of the literature review to be presented to the 26th annual meeting […]

New non-surgical treatment for uterine fibroids can improve quality of life and maintain fertility

NB: this is the subject of a news briefing by Dr. Alicia Armstrong at 09.15 hrs (CEST) on Wednesday 30 June [Hall 10, Room A] Rome, Italy: A new, effective, non-surgical treatment for uterine fibroids can help women with this condition maintain their fertility, an American scientist told the 26th annual meeting of the European […]

On-going pregnancy rates from vitrified eggs as good as those from fresh, finds randomised trial

Rome, Italy: Embryos derived from oocytes (eggs) cryopreserved by the vitrification method are just as likely to produce an on-going pregnancy as those involving fresh oocytes, the 26th annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology heard today. Dr. Ana Cobo, Cryobiology Unit director at Institut Universitari – IVI Valencia, Valencia, Spain, […]

Ovarian transplantation restores fertility to old mice and also lengthens their lives

Rome, Italy: Scientists have discovered that when they transplant ovaries from young mice into aging female mice, not only does the procedure make the mice fertile again, but also it rejuvenates their behaviour and increases their lifespan. The question now is: could ovarian transplants in women have the same effect? Dr Noriko Kagawa will tell […]

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy may damage semen quality in sons

NB: this is the subject of a news briefing by Dr Cecilia Ramlau-Hansen at 10.00 hrs (CEST) on Tuesday 29 June [Hall 10, Room A] Rome, Italy: Mothers who drink alcohol while they are pregnant may be damaging the fertility of their future sons, according to new research to be presented at the 26th annual […]