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- Mothers of twins face a higher risk of heart disease in the year after birthThe risk of being admitted to the hospital with heart disease is twice as high the year after birth for mothers of twins compared to singleton births, according to research published in the European Heart Journal […]
- Fatty muscles raise the risk of serious heart disease regardless of overall body weightPeople with pockets of fat hidden inside their muscles are at a higher risk of dying or being hospitalised from a heart attack or heart failure, regardless of their body mass index, according to research published […]
- Morning coffee may protect the heart better than all-day coffee drinkingPeople who drink coffee in the morning have a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and a lower overall mortality risk compared to all-day coffee drinkers, according to research published in the European Heart Journal […]
- Study using more reliable measure of wine consumption finds possible protective effect for low to moderate drinking in people at risk of cardiovascular diseaseDrinking a small or moderate amount of wine may lower the risk of serious cardiovascular disease in people at a higher risk who are following a Mediterranean diet, according to research published in the European Heart […]