Warfarin increases risk of stroke among atrial fibrillation patients in first 30 days of use

Patients with atrial fibrillation – an irregular and often abnormally fast heartbeat – have nearly double the risk of suffering a stroke in the first 30 days after starting to take the anti-clotting drug warfarin compared to non-users, according to a study of over 70,000 patients. The study, published online in the European Heart Journal […]

Freezing semen doubles the chances of fatherhood for men after treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma

Men with Hodgkin lymphoma who want to become fathers after their cancer treatment have greatly increased chances of doing so if they have frozen and stored semen samples beforehand, according to research published online in Europe’s leading reproductive medicine journal Human Reproduction [1]. In the first study to investigate the impact on fatherhood of freezing […]

Delivery rates are unaffected by a policy of transferring fewer embryos coupled with reimbursing six cycles of fertility treatment

Research from Belgium has shown that if governments legislate to restrict the numbers of embryos transferred during fertility treatment, but combine it with a policy of reimbursing six cycles of assisted reproduction technology (ART), there is no detrimental impact on pregnancy and delivery rates. However, there is a greatly reduced risk of multiple births, which […]

Casual employment is linked to women being childless by the age of 35

Women who have worked in temporary jobs are less likely to have had their first child by the age of 35, according to research published online in Europe’s leading reproductive medicine journal Human Reproduction [1]. The study shows that the longer women spent in casual employment, the more likely they were to be childless when […]

Teenagers and young adults diagnosed with cancer are at increased risk of suicide

Teenagers and young adults are at increased risk of suicide after being diagnosed with cancer according to a study published in the leading cancer journal Annals of Oncology [1]. A study of nearly eight million Swedes aged 15 and over found that among the 12,669 young people diagnosed with cancer between the age of 15 […]

Variations in death rates after surgery for oesophageal and gastric cancers prompt European initiative to improve patient outcomes

Amsterdam, The Netherlands: A pilot study has shown large variations between European countries in patient survival after surgery for oesophageal and gastric cancers. The 2013 European Cancer Congress (ECC2013) [1] heard on Tuesday that the reasons for these differences are not clear and cannot be explained simply in terms of the volume of patients treated […]

Biological therapy with cediranib improves survival in women with recurrent ovarian cancer

Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Women with ovarian cancer that has recurred after chemotherapy have survived for longer after treatment with a biological therapy called cediranib, according to new results presented on Monday at the 2013 European Cancer Congress (ECC2013) [1]. Cediranib, which is taken in pill form, is an inhibitor of a cell signalling process involved […]

The State of Oncology 2013 – new report draws attention to urgent need to tackle disparities in cancer care worldwide

Amsterdam, The Netherlands: A proposal for a new financing model to tackle the major disparities that exist in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and outcome of cancer in countries worldwide has been presented at the 2013 European Cancer Congress (ECCO 2013). While much progress has been made against cancer over the last century, a new report […]

New research shows how aspirin may act on blood platelets to improve survival in colon cancer patients

Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Researchers believe they have discovered how aspirin improves survival in patients diagnosed with colon cancer, the 2013 European Cancer Congress (ECC2013) [1] heard on Monday. Although previous research has shown that taking low dose aspirin after being diagnosed with colon cancer improves patient outcome, the reasons why this happens remain unknown. The […]

First estimate of amount of radiotherapy dose wasted in compensating for tumour growth between treatments

Amsterdam, The Netherlands: For the first time, researchers have estimated the daily dose of radiotherapy that could be wasted in compensating for cancer cell growth that occurs overnight and during weekends in patients with early breast cancer. In research presented to the 2013 European Cancer Congress (ECC2013) [1] on Monday, Professor John Yarnold said that, […]