Expecting the worst increases side-effects in breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant hormone therapy

A study of women receiving hormone therapies such as tamoxifen as part of their treatment for breast cancer has found that the number and seriousness of side-effects they experienced were influenced by their expectations. The study, which is published in the leading cancer journal Annals of Oncology [1], found that women who had higher expectations […]

Cancer overtakes heart disease as the main cause of death in 12 European countries

Although diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease, CVD) kill more people worldwide than anything else, with 17.3 million deaths globally, cancer has now overtaken CVD as the main cause of death in 12 European countries. New data on the burden of CVD in Europe for 2016, which are published in the European […]

Survey of 15,000 women and men reveals scale of infertility: nearly half do not seek medical help

One in eight women and one in ten men have experienced infertility, yet nearly half of them have not sought medical help, according to a study of more than 15,000 women and men in Britain published in Human Reproduction [1], one of the world’s leading reproductive medicine journals. The study found that, of those who […]

How much you weigh as a teenager is linked to your risk of heart failure in early middle age

Research that followed more than 1.6 million Swedish men from adolescence onwards between 1968 and 2005 has shown that those who were overweight as teenagers were more likely to develop heart failure in early middle age. Surprisingly, the increased risk of heart failure was found in men who were within the normal body weight range […]

Loss of Y chromosome in blood cells is associated with developing Alzheimer’s disease: new research could lead to a simple test to identify those at risk

Barcelona, Spain: Men with blood cells that do not carry the Y chromosome are at greater risk of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and this is in addition to an increased risk of death from other causes, including many cancers, researchers told the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics. The paper […]

Discovery of new disease gene will lead to better screening for severe paediatric heart disease

Barcelona, Spain: Cardiomyopathy, or a deterioration of the ability of the heart muscle to contract, generally leads to progressive heart failure. It is frequently inherited, and, because approximately 40% of children born with it are likely to die within five years of diagnosis, being able to identify its genetic basis is particularly important. Now, an […]

Dietary experiments in mice point the way to early detection of cancer development in humans

Barcelona, Spain: Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths in the Western world, mainly because it is usually diagnosed too late. Finding ways to identify those people who are at increased risk of developing colon cancer is therefore crucial, a researcher told the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics. […]

How does obesity cause disease in organs distant from those where fat accumulates? New genetic evidence points the way

Barcelona, Spain: Obesity is on the rise throughout the world, and in some developed countries two-third of the adult population is either overweight or obese. This brings with it an increased risk of serious conditions such as heart disease, stroke, cancer and osteoarthritis. Many of these conditions do not appear to affect the parts of […]

World report on fertility treatments reveals high use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI); editor attacks the over-use of ICSI as ‘ineffective and costly care’

The editor-in-chief of one of the world’s leading reproductive medicine journals has attacked the rising use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) for the treatment of infertility, following publication of the latest world report on assisted reproductive technologies (ART) [1]. The report in Human Reproduction shows that while ICSI use has levelled off in some regions, […]

Radiotherapy for lung cancer patients is linked to increased risk of non-cancer deaths: researchers set out to investigate new heart-sparing techniques

Turin, Italy: Researchers have found that treating patients who have early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with a type of radiotherapy called stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) is associated with a small but increased risk of death from causes other than cancer. In particular, they found that high doses to the left atrium of […]